Walter Anderson, April 2024 Ltd. Ed.
In April, when the natural wonders of our beloved city are perhaps at their most lovely - we honor New Orleans native Walter Anderson. One of the greatest Southern artists of the twentieth century, Anderson captured the natural beauty of the Gulf Coast flora and fauna like no other.
The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts website has this to say of Anderson: "His devotion to nature defined his true spirit in a body of signature work that transcends time and place."
Anderson's set includes 2 oz of rich teal ultrafine (0.008") and 0.5 oz of dramatically colorshifting confetti in Anderson's distinctive nature-inspired jewel tone palette.
The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts website has this to say of Anderson: "His devotion to nature defined his true spirit in a body of signature work that transcends time and place."
Anderson's set includes 2 oz of rich teal ultrafine (0.008") and 0.5 oz of dramatically colorshifting confetti in Anderson's distinctive nature-inspired jewel tone palette.