Medusa October 2021 Goddess Glitter Ltd. Ed
While the famously snake-haired femme fatale from Green mythology is not *technically* a Goddess, she made her wishes to be included too clear to leave her out!
Typically cast as a one-dimensional villain, an aspect of the Medusa mythology that modern audience tend to notice is how she draws immense power from her anger. Catalyzed by the right circumstances and perspective, women are capable of exerting profound transformative change around them.
Our October Medusa-inspired glitter is a complex dark green mix that calls to mind scintillating emerald green and black serpents and nods to the spookiness of the season. Medusa’s glitter has sophisticated witchy character full of glimmering hints of mystery and magic.
Snakes are inextricably linked with Medusa, and represent power: the October charm is a golden circling snake.